Pavlohrad Mechanical Plant is 90 years old

Pavlohrad Mechanical Plant is 90 years old
Pavlohrad Mechanical Plant is 90 years old

On 2 June 1931, an artillery firing range was established near the city of Pavlohrad. In the pre-war years there was an urgent need for large-scale tests of artillery and aircraft ammunition.


After the liberation from occupation during the Second World War, the firing range was restored, and in the 60’s it entered a new stage of its development as part of YUZHMASH. The artillery firing range was needed to perform tasks to create rocket technology, and it was transformed into a specialized production facility SPO-8 for the manufacture, assembly and testing of rocket engines on solid fuel. And for almost six decades YUZHMASH and Pavlohrad Mechanical Plant (PMZ) have been working together.


During the Cold War, which was accompanied by an arms race, PMZ grew, strengthened, and eventually became a powerful manufacturer of intercontinental ballistic solid-propellant missiles of various types – naval, mine and rail.


With the onset of the conversion period, PMZ actively and successfully began to participate in the development and production of civilian products, in the manufacture of components for rocket carriers, and continued to master the combat theme.


Having passed the test of the economic crisis, the company has retained its engineering and technical base and profile specialization. Today, PMZ is involved in the implementation of new projects aimed at strengthening the country’s defense capabilities.


As the main enterprise, YUZHMASH has always supported and strengthened the principles of partnership, cooperation and mutual assistance with the PMZ team, and such relations will be built in the future.


Congratulations to the staff of the enterprise, our colleagues and comrades, on a wonderful anniversary! We wish all the staff of the Pavlohrad Mechanical Plant new achievements in the creation of rocket and space, military equipment and civilian products, success in the implementation of new promising production programs.


We wish the optimism, good health, prosperity, peace and happiness!