For a long-term history State Enterprise “Production Association Yuzhny Machine-Building plant named after A.M. Makarov” (YUZHMASH) is a basis of rocket-space industry of Ukraine.
Since 1950s of the 20th century, four generations of strategic missile systems, about 400 spacecraft of 70 various modifications and space launch vehicles of “Cyclone”, “Cosmos”, “Zenit” series have been created in Dnipropetrovsk.
YUZHMASH has strong branch industries including metallurgy, assembling, testing, welding, casting, forging and machining. The company has mastered and implemented unique technological solutions.
Versatility of YUZHMASH allows manufacturing products for the following areas:
- production, testing, operation of launch vehicles;
- defense industry;
- air transport;
- agricultural machinery;
- thermal power-stations.
YUZHMASH is a full cycle company. Production of the main body of components and units, assembling and testing under conditions similar to the open space is carried out at its own unique industrial base.
YUZHMASH has big advantages over other companies:
- powerful industrial potential;
- unique and modern technologies;
- qualified staff for the main directions of production.
By implementing improvement and innovation policy, the company continues to develop new technologies and expand its production line.
YUZHMASH’s team is interested in expanding cooperation with members of the international space and other programs. YUZHMASH carries out foreign economic activity in 23 countries, is in a constant search for partners and is willing to consider proposals for cooperation and partnership.